New York’s Chadbourne & Parke has announced a salary freeze for 2009.
As you know, the world economic outlook for 2009 is uncertain. Accordingly, as a matter of prudence, the Firm is reserving decision on associate salary levels for 2009. We will make a decision on this matter within the next several months as the global economic picture becomes clearer.
ATL says bonuses will be on a “Cravath, half-Skadden scale.”
Chadbourne & Parke LLP, founded in 1902 by Thomas L. Chadbourne, presently has some 400 lawyers and tax advisors in 13 offices in nine countries. Chadbourne is probably best known for its global practice in project finance and energy, international insurance and reinsurance practice, multi-jurisdictional litigation in courts from Rhode Island to Russia, and corporate transactions.