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Buchanan Ingersoll Cuts Up to 30

Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney eliminated between 25 and 30 administrative positions yesterday.

The firm cut 25 administrative positions in November.

The firm said the latest cuts were based on the economy and not performance; but performance-based layoffs may be on the way.

That process began shortly before the firm’s fiscal-year end of January 31st and goes into March.

Buchanan Ingersoll has seen a number of high-level departures since 2007, and has said it won’t fill those spots simply to increase attorney headcount.

Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney PC is a large US law firm and lobbying group based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The firm has over 500 lawyers in sixteen offices nationwide, and was ranked 82nd on the National Law Journal’s 2008 list of the 250 largest law firms in the US.

Erik Even: