Yesterday, the axe fell, as Harvard University announced began layoffs of 275 employees across all university departments. The layoffs struck at Harvard Law and the business school first.
Unfortunately, there are no details as to who was let go, or how many law school faculty or staff were affected.
The University blames a 30% drop in the value of its endowment for the layoffs. It has also canceled raises for faculty and non-union staff members, and voluntary early retirement to 1,600 staff members. Five hundred employees accepted the early retirement.
If you have any details about the layoffs at Harvard Law School, please — send us a confidential tip!
Harvard Law School is one of the professional graduate schools of Harvard University. Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, it is the United States’ oldest law school in continuous operation. It is home to the largest academic law library in the world. HLS is typically ranked in the top three law schools in the nation, and is currently listed as the second best law school in the United States by US News and World Report, behind only Yale Law School.