Through the Looking Glass

Through the Looking Glass

Question: What do you get when you cross a Russian lawyer, a dentist, and a birther?

Answer: Orly Taitz

In a case straight out of Wonderland, a Federal Judge in Georgia has sanctioned Dr. Orly Taitz, DDS, ESQ, fining her $20,000 in a scathing opinion. Orly Taitz, who was born in Moldova when it was part of the Soviet Union, has a law office next door to her dental office in Orange County, California. She is hellbent on proving that President Obama was not born in the United States, in spite of the repeated affirmations of state officials in Hawaii that his birth certificate is legitimate.

The latest episode involves a case she filed on behalf of US Army doctor Connie Rhodes. Rhodes was ordered to Iraq, and Taitz challenged the order based on the assertion that Obama lacks the Constitutional requirement to be commander in chief.

Having already lept down the rabbit hole, things become, as they say, curiouser and curiouser. Not satisfied with the judge’s ruling, Taitz accused him of treason and then filed a motion challenging the dismissal of the case.  It turns out that Rhodes had not asked for and did not want Taitz to proceed.  In fact, Rhodes only became aware of it after the fact.   Judge Land responded by giving her two weeks to explain to the court why he shouldn’t fine her $10,000. On deadline, Taitz demanded the judge recuse himself. The grounds for recusal include an affidavit from someone who claims to have seen Attorney General Eric Holder in a cafe across the street from the courthouse.  From this, Taitz inferred an ex parte communication between Holder and Land.   On the day in question, Holder was in Southern California, according to the Justice Department’s scheduling records.

Now Judge Land has doubled the stakes, fining Taitz $20,000. Taitz has said she will not pay, and is filing another written motion.

In an interview with the Washington Post, Taitz said what is perhaps the most ironic bit of this entire farce. Convinced that one of her several law suits would go forward, Taitz was thrilled with the prospect of deposing Barrack Obama. “My children are so excited . . . that the president of the United States will have to appear in Mom’s office in Rancho Santa Margarita”. That’s right, she acknowledged him as the president.

I leave you with the words of Alice, as recorded by Lewis Carroll in her journey through Wonderland…

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?
