Gregory Craig Surfaces With Skadden

Gregory Craig, former White House counsel under President Obama, has joined Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom as a partner in its Washington D.C. office. Craig will lead Skadden’s new global policy and litigation strategy practice Group.

Craig, a former partner in Williams & Connolly, has a long history of public service. Prior to joining the Obama administration he served under President Clinton as assistant to the president and special counsel. In that role he represented Clinton in his Senate impeachment trial. He also was director of policy planning under Secretary of State Madeline Albright and was senior advisor of defense for Sen. Edward Kennedy.

“Greg Craig is a terrific addition to our firm,” said Eric J. Friedman, Skadden’s executive partner. “His combination of international expertise, national public service and high-profile litigation experience will greatly enhance our traditional strengths and offer added value to clients in the U.S. and internationally. We’re excited about what Greg can contribute to both ourWashington, D.C. capabilities and the firm’s overall strategic initiatives.”

Skadden’s has 24 offices worldwide.
