Study Finds Women Judges Still Under-Represented

A study released by the University at Albany-SUNY’s Center for Women in Government and Civil Society found that women judges are still under-represented across the United States. Only New Jersey and Connecticut had achieved a “critical mass” of 33% of women in federal judgeships. In eight states one third of state judgeships are filled by women, but in thirteen states less than 20% of judgeships are filled by women. Overall women make up 22% of all federal judges and 26% of state level judges. In eight states women represent less than 10% of federal judgeships, and are almost non-existent in Montana and New Hampshire.

The report concluded that the disparity cannot be attributed to a lack of qualified women. According to the American Bar Association, women make up 48% of law school graduates and 45% of law firm associates. The report believes a lack of opportunity and access has led to such a disparity.
