The promotions include four new partners: Awilda M. Alcantara Bourdier of the corporate transactions, finance and governance practice in Santo Domingo; Stephen P. Anway of the international dispute resolution practice in Cleveland; Ramon A. Azpurua of the corporate transactions, finance and government practice in Caracas; and Andrew R. Kruppa of the litigation practice in Miami.
Also promoted were four new principals: Massimo Capretta of the firm’s financial services practice in Cleveland; Allen A. Kacenjar Jr. of the environmental health and safety practice in Cleveland; T. Bennett Litle of the public finance practice in Columbus; and Christine Henagen Peer of the labor and employment practice in Cleveland.
Rounding out the changes are four new national partners: Adrian Barger of the firm’s real estate practice in Bratislava; Christian Bohn of the Frankfurt real estate practice; Rodrigo Menezes of the corporate transactions, finance and government practice in Sao Paulo; and Rotislav Pekar of the international dispute resolution practice in Prague.
Squire Sanders was founded in 1890 and has 32 offices in 15 countries around the world.