Confrontational Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is suing the federal government to stop the Health Care Bill. He’s not alone. There are 13 AG’s filing suit and the number may increase.
Cuccinelli appeared at Tea Party rallies last year urging those folks to take up the cause of protecting the sovereignty of the Commonwealth of Virginia from the federal government. His bold, in your face style sets him apart from others in his party and has some wanting to stand even farther apart from him. One anonymous Republican strategist cautioned about Cuccinelli’s style, “It’s not how you build a broad-based coalition.”
Democratic leaders in Virginia are trying to gain signatures on a petition to address the cost to taxpayers from Cuccinelli’s suit against the government. The petition alleges, “Every year, we pay Attorney General Cuccinelli’s salary—and the salaries of all of his employees. We demand that the Cuccinelli recognize that the Office of the Attorney General is our law firm, not the piggy bank for his political agenda.”
Though, it is apparent that he has his supporters who appreciate his willingness to go out on a limb for what he believes is the best interest of his constituency. There is not much precedent for success in challenges of this magnitude so his supporters may hold their collective breath until they faint. Under the legislation they are trying to defeat, they are probably covered.