Many of these businesses earn a great portion of their income from tourists, vacationers and commercial and sports fishermen.
In 2009, travel in Alabama’s Gulf Coast Region accounted for 35 percent of the state’s tourism revenue, as well as 36 percent of the state’s travel-related employment. Travel related expenditures in Alabama’s Gulf Coast region in 2009 totaled $3,222,382,869.
In today’s press release at PR Newswire, Jere L. Beasley, founding shareholder of Beasley Allen was quoted as saying: “Between hurricanes and the difficult economic climate, these folks are depending on a strong vacation season to survive. This class action aims to protect their legal rights and ensure their day in court.”
Since the BP oil drilling platform exploded on April 20 in the Gulf of Mexico and sank two days later, thousands of gallons of oil continues to leak into the Gulf waters every day.
Headquartered in Montgomery, Alabama, Beasley Allen is comprised of 44 attorneys and more than 200 support staff. Beasley Allen is a national leader in civil litigation, with verdicts and settlements of over $20 billion. Beasley Allen is the largest plaintiff’s law firm in the country whose offices are located in one city.