More Women Attorneys Make Partner This Year

The Philadelphia Business Journal:  More women attorneys became partner this year.  The number was is up from last year from 28 to 34 percent.  The stats come from a study conducted by the Project for Attorney Retention (PAR), a San Francisco based organization.  In the study, 118 law firms across the U.S. were examined.  Firms were chosen based on a number of categories, including size and reputation.

The findings varied from fourteen firms that had no women make partner to 25 of the firms interviewed that had 50 percent or more of those making partner women.

Though encouraging, PAR’s Director of Research, Cynthia Thomas, said the news could be better, citing that the “overall number of women partners in law firms remains low, at approximately 19%, and second, this survey made no distinction between equity and nonequity partnership … an even lower percentage of equity partners are female.”

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