Michael Kennalley, a commercial litigation attorney and former partner at Martin & Churchill for 12 years, said that the firm’s closure has been in the works recently. “It has been something that has been discussed over a period of time. It’s basically people wanting to do other things. It’s a friendly parting of the ways.” Kennalley joined Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP, a premiere US aw firm with over 300 lawyers, on December 2010.
Don Hill, Martin & Churchill’s President, noted that Martin & Churchill’s closure was a tough decision given its vast achievements and established reputation in the legal sector since 1951. “We came to a time in our practices where we felt like, for the long term, it was best for our attorneys that we continue our practices at other firms.” Hill is now part of a smaller firm, Adams Jones Law Firm PA. Hill, who has been with Martin & Churchill for about 34 years, added “It’s a little bit more fluid with a smaller organization.”