Co-leader of Jones Day’s Banking & Finance Practice, Mark Sisitsky, said that he is excited to work with the three latest partners. He added that the broad experience of the three in Banking & Finance Practice will further strengthen the firm’s global presence. “These three exceptional lawyers are timely and welcome additions to the Firm. The arrival of Michael and Mitch will add strength to our ongoing efforts to help clients respond to challenging new financial regulations. Olga is a valuable addition to our Private Equity Practice. Her cross-border experience will deepen our strong global capabilities for clients’ growing needs internationally.”
Butowsky, from Boston University, and Gibbons, from New York University, will both focus on advising various investment advisers, broker-dealers, and investment funds such as registered funds, hedge funds, and private equity funds, regarding organizational, compliance, regulatory, and transactional matters. Loy, from University of Illinois, will work on tax planning and regulatory and compliance matters related to private equity funds that includes and tax advice to fund principals and management teams.