Categories: Law Life

Lincoln Park Zoo Run!

So today on my 10K training schedule I am supposed to run 2 miles and do strength training. I’ve got the strength training covered since I meet with my personal trainer later this afternoon, but I was NOT feeling those two miles today… I actually managed to push it off for over 2 hours this morning by busying myself with writing cover letters and getting organized to turn in paperwork for the On Campus Interview process with law firms for next summer. Haha, that’s how badly I didn’t want to go!
Before my run I had half a banana with some PB2 mixed with a little water (to turn it into peanut butter) and some honey to sweeten it.

Since I really didn’t want to run this morning (stood in my open doorway debating in my head for a minute or two…) I told myself just go out there and jog and see what happens! So I ended up turning my 2 mile run into a 3 mile jog, ending it in just under 30 minutes. To entertain myself, I decided to run through the Lincoln Park Zoo!

Lucky for me, I actually live somewhat close to the zoo, so I often like to take some of my slower runs through there because it keeps me entertained! The zoo is completely free and has several entrances, so I can just wind my way through from one end to the other! Unfortunately, a lot of the animals weren’t outside this morning, but I did manage to snap a couple pictures for you all!

Here are some Zebra!

And Llamas! Gotta love llamas…
The zoo is also surrounded by a beautifully restored area of the park with nature walk pathways surrounding the area. And it’s a beautiful view of downtown! I love this park because it’s a great juxtaposition of nature and the city!

When I got home I had my overnight oats waiting in a blender to try out this recipe from Kath Eats! Mine was a little different though because I didn’t include Chia Seeds. Mine ended up being more soupy than I had hoped, which may be due to the lack of chia seeds. I topped it with some honey, raisins, and dried banana slices from Trader Joe’s! Still delicious.
Now I’ve got to get back to more reading for school since I want to get it done before I leave tomorrow for Kansas City! Ahhhhh!

Does anyone else have a fun or interesting place that they can run/walk through?
Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.