Categories: Law Life

What is “Healthy?”

I woke up today to a very rainy morning…

Very, very rainy.
Which is too bad, because I was hoping to go on a morning bike ride! Oh well, maybe I’ll be able to find a break in the rain later this afternoon. I’m a huge fan of rain, but for some reason it’s putting me in a funk this morning. Currently turning on some tunes to try and brighten things up around here. I woke up very hungry (despite the amazing amount of Captain Crunch I munched on yesterday…). So I made myself some oats with banana and PB2 powder, which I found at Hy Vee in their health food section!
I had my oats with some delicious coffee and an Oikos Honey and Fig Greek yogurt.
I had read about this new flavor on KathEats and wanted to try it. I don’t normally eat Oikos Greek yogurt, so maybe I’m just not used to it, but I thought it was much more liquid-y than normal Greek yogurt. The flavor was good, but I couldn’t taste the fig too much! All in all it was alright, but probably not something I’d keep buying.
A week or so ago I came across an article on livestrong.com called The Big Health Controversy. I thought it would be perfect to discuss on my blog, since I talk about my own ways of being healthy. However, I want to clarify that there are so many ways to be healthy and my way might not be right for you!
If you read often about health issues, then you’ll start to notice a pattern: one movement starts and then another arises in opposition. For example, sugar-free became a big deal, but then a while later I kept reading articles about how sugar really isn’t bad for you!
Although I try and eat healthy, natural and organic foods, it doesn’t mean that I only eat “healthy” food! I think most foods are fine, as long as they’re eaten in moderation. It’s hard to cut foods out of your diet, especially with our culture and all the delicious treats we grew up with. I definitely don’t think Captain Crunch would be on a list of natural and organic superfoods, but I love to have it when I’m home!
Another issue I often come across is what diet choice is healthiest? Should you be an omnivore, a vegetarian, a pescetarian, a vegan? What about the new “paleo” movement? Some people swear by being vegan and say that it changed their energy levels and overall health. Others think that it’s very important to eat meat, for certain amino acids (used to make proteins in our bodies), high iron and other various benefits.
I believe that everyone needs to find what works best for them and stick with it, no matter what other people say. If you want to make sure that you are getting the right nutrients for you, be sure to visit a Registered Dietitian (which I’m hoping to do!) or talk to your doctor. Just because your friend (or favorite blogger!) is a vegetarian doesn’t mean that you need to be that way too! Take what and others do with a grain of salt and incorporate features that work for you into your diet.
Health, exercise and diet are very personal things and should fit your own body and lifestyle!
Has anyone else gotten critical comments about their “healthy” eating habits?
Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.