Categories: Law Life

The Most Disgusting Yet Delicious Sandwich Ever – Springfield Part 3


I ended up running 4.5 miles around the neighborhood. And when I say around, I mean AROUND. Haha I thought I was going straight in one direction and then straight back, but I ended up doing a circle twice without even realizing it! I guess everything looked the same!

I ended up finishing in 38:52, which was an 8:37 min/mile pace! Honestly, I think my mapmyrun program might be off… that seems really fast to me. Haha it did feel like a pretty easy run though, I was in my groove! So I guess maybe it’s right! Just hard to believe!

After my run we packed up the car and headed back to Chicago! The first bit of the trip was interesting… let’s just say Molly was a bit rambunctious and didn’t want to be in the car… It was also a very foggy morning! Here are some pictures from our drive back!

Molly can drive! (she has her learner’s permit)

I love windmills, we passed several fields of them. I think they’re pretty! Go alternative power sources!

Road trip selfie!
Once we arrived back in Chicago, we remembered it was Air and Water Show weekend! SO MANY PEOPLE!!!
The water was gorgeous!

We had to get off on a different exit because of the show, and I saw this mural as we passed under Lakeshore Drive. I thought it was so pretty!

When I got home I was starving and IMMEDIATELY made a smoothie! I’d been missing them! Then I tried to get some work done and then went off to see The Help with my book club!
The movie was great and did a wonderful job of capturing the book. However, I did think how they incorporated Skeeter’s boyfriend was odd; it was as if they just threw him in to have him there but showed nothing about his family, which was important to his character. Oh well, haha the movie was already long enough I guess!

Broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, 1/2 cup black beans and then I added 1 tsp cumin, some dijon mustard and a sprinkle of garlic for seasoning. Delicious as well as quick and easy!
What’s your favorite dinner to throw together at the last minute?
Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.