Happy Monday everyone! Today started out GREAT! Yesterday for my workout I did a 30 minute Jillian Michaels Yoga DVD and then did a little over a half hour on the elliptical at the gym. However, my knees were bothering me and even on my walks with Molly, the bottom of my right heel really hurt! I decided to take one more day away from running and went to hot yoga at CorePower Yoga instead.
I had gotten a Groupon to go there, and when I called to double check that it had expired, they told me I somehow had an extra couple of weeks… I’m not complaining! When I walked out the door to head there I saw it was raining and was afraid that it would make for a dreary mile walk to the studio, but for some reason it was very refreshing! (and yes, I had an umbrella).
The class was exactly what I needed today, it really calmed me down and the instructor would make a joke every once in a while, which normally I might find annoying but today it really made me smile. The class was pretty fast moving, which I like, and the instructor incorporated some push ups and core work, which definitely got my hear rate going! I also loved his music selection, it was all classical but not obnoxiously so. I left feeling great and ready for the day!
When I got home I was STARVING! So I decided to try out an oatmeal recipe that I saw on a blog that I’ve just started reading: The Healthy Everythingtarian by Holly. I saw that she whisks a whole egg into her oats when she first starts to cook them on the stove top. I was fascinated by this idea so I gave it a go!
In the bowl: 1/3 cup oats, 1 cup water, 1 tbsp ground flax, 1 whole egg, strawberries and a bit of natural peanut butter to top it with. I thought it might taste eggy, but I didn’t taste the egg at all! I think it definitely added some fluffiness and fullness to the oatmeal though, and made the texture more smooth. I liked it and think this is a great way of getting more protein when I have oats for breakfast!So as I mentioned yesterday, one of the great things about my weekend was finishing Sarah’s Key! Half because I really enjoyed it, and half because now I’ve been able to start the next book in the Hunger Games Trilogy, Catching Fire! I really loved the first book!
Sarah’s Key is written by Tatiana de Rosnay and the story centers around a young Jewish girl living in Paris in 1942, as well as a married woman and mother living in Paris in 2002, and the connections between their two stories.
I loved the way the story switched back and forth between 1942 and 2002. Each chapter switched the time period, which made it easy to keep track, and each chapter was fairly short, so it was easier to keep up with each story and it felt more like one continuing story. As the reader finds out more about Sarah in 1942, so does the character in 2002. The two stories are very well incorporated with one another throughout the book, and eventually come together into one story.
Although it centered around some very sad and horrible events that occurred during the holocaust, I didn’t really find the book to be sad or depressing. Although it told Sarah’s story, it also told the woman’s story in 2002 and how learning about Sarah led her to make changes in her own life that left her much happier than before. I appreciated that the story ended very optimistically, and that a lot of loose ends were tied up. Although some was left to the imagination, it was good to see a lot of things resolved by the end.
Sarah’s Key was made into a movie this year, and I’ll have to check it out sometime!
Although not quite as “thrilling” as the Hunger Games, Sarah’s Key definitely kept me interested and dying to find out what had happened to this little Jewish girl! It’s a really great, calm book (can you call a book calm?) that’s perfect to curl up to on a rainy day!
What kind of books do you prefer? Thrillers? Mysteries? Romances?
I used to read a lot of those chick romance books, which I loved at the time, but now they just seem to bore me because I know what’s going to happen after the first chapter! I definitely prefer books that keep me guessing, but I do try and mix up genres!