Categories: Law Life

Weekend Reflections

This weekend had it’s great parts and it had it’s rough parts.
PRing at the Susan G Komen 10K (final time – 52:15 and I was 12th out of 107 women in my age division!!!)
Hanging out with Molly and watching  half of Parent Trap and Erin Brockovich on TV (yes, a REAL TV)
Trying out Peeled (see below)
Finishing reading Sarah’s Key and starting Catching Fire!!!!
Getting to see Molly’s beautiful face ALL THE TIME
Knowing I only have a 3-day week coming up!
Letting my anxiety get the better of me
Cleaning up pee… all the time
Dragging Molly along on walks (it takes 50 min to go a mile…)
Anxiety-eating! (when I’m anxious, I eat)
Still not managing to clean Neville’s bowl… poor fish.
Leaving my Environmental Law and Policy book at school… oops.
Ok, so most of the “rough” stuff was completely my fault. I allowed myself to get caught up in my anxiety, worrying about how I’m going to get everything done and what time I should do what, and in what order. Does anyone else do this?? I’ve been so good about it so far this semester, but this weekend I just let it overwhelm me! I worry too much… working on this (will take tips…). Hopefully tomorrow I can take a deep breath, know that I have everything under control, and just focus on the moment rather than everything else I have to do!
So I mentioned one of the cool things that happened was that I FINALLY got to go try out
Life Support – A bloody brilliant synergy of minerals and vitamins, including green leaf, carrot, apple, beet, lemon and ginger

I actually meant to order the one above it… But it turned out really good! I ordered a juice, but they also make smoothies and they have a detox program where you can do a certain number of days only drinking juices that they prepare for you each day.

It was cool though to watch them make it right there. The girl in line after me ordered a drink that was hot pink; literally NEON hot pink! Very cool.
You know what else is cool? Molly. Most of my weekend involved this:

With way too much of this:

And this, which I wish I was looking at right now! Okay, okay, so she drove me crazy. But now I miss her! She’s just too adorable! On our walk after dinner, she was on her best behavior, and it was so sweet to watch a little girl on a tricycle get so excited to pet her!

Here’s a picture from the night H&L brought her home (H&L = my brother and sister-in-law; much easier to type). She’s grown so much!

Anyone in your life that you just can’t stay mad at for long? Is anyone else a control-freak like me and gets anxious when you get thrown out of your routine? Haha, okay, that’s just me.

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.