Two separate law firms have chosen to merge together. The Weintraub Genshlea Chediak Law Corporation and Tobin & Tobin are now joining forces. Because the companies are merging, there will be a slight name change. These two firms will have offices opened in several areas of California. Offices will be located in Sacramento, Los Angeles, and in San Francisco.
Because the economy was headed toward a downward spiral in 2007, many firms chose to merge with other firms as a means of survival. Without mergers, many firms would have collapsed. A merger for Weingtraub Genshlea Chediak Law Corporation and Tobin & Tobin was a wise choice because both of these firms have an outstanding reputation and both firms have a mutual amount of respect for one another. Now that these firms have joined forces, they will be able to continuously grow, expand, and become even more successful than they already were. Both of the firms are looking forward to working with one another and spokespeople for both corporations have had nothing but positive things to say about the merger between the two firms.
The major focus of the firm is to work together on areas that have to do with real estate, banking, taxes, employment, disputes, and other similar areas. There will be about sixty attorneys combined from both of the law firms who will work on different cases with different clients.
The shareholder for the Weintraub Incorpotation has said, “Our client relationships are expanding more and more throughout the state, and many of those relationships are in the Bay Area. To better meet the needs of our clients and as part of our strategic expansion plan, we looked for a firm like Tobin & Tobin — one that complements our specialty practice areas.” They are excited for the merger and believe this was the best decision to make. Weintraub Incorporation believes that Tobin & Tobin was the perfect match for the merger.
The managing partner for Tobin & Tobin agrees and says, “We have long admired the work and culture of Weintraub. We share a vision of value-added, trust-based relationships and are confident that with our combined capabilities and expanded services we will be in an even better position to meet our clients’ needs.” Because both of the companies respected and admired one another, the merger was such an easy decision and it makes it even more successful than some mergers.
Now that the two law firms have merged together, they believe they will be able to meet their clients needs even further than they were able to before. Employees for both companies will continuously provide support for one another in hopes of continuing success and helping clients.