Categories: Law Life

Work Those Legs and WIAW

Today’s WIAW includes my workout from the day!

If you haven’t heard of What I Ate Wednesday, check it out on Peas and Crayons! It’s a great way to get meal and snack ideas and discover new bloggers!

I hit the gym bright and early (after having half a banana with some peanut butter), and started out with a 20 min HIIT elliptical workout. I did 5 min of warm up, and then switched back and forth between a sprint for a minute and a normal pace for a min. I did this until I hit 25 min and then did another min of cool down.

Then, time for legs!

Lower Body Workout II

One-legged Leg Press: 3 sets of 15 reps on each leg. End with a 4th set with both legs.

Awkward Superset*: inner and outer thigh machines, 3 sets of 20 reps each (does anyone else feel super awkward on these machines? I do… but I do it anyway!)

Superset*: hamstring curl and leg extension, 3 sets of 15 reps each

Superset*: inclined leg press and calf raises, 3 sets of 15 reps each

* A Superset is where I switch back and forth between two exercises with no break in between. Saves time and keeps your heart rate up!

I ended it with some stretching and a few ab moves!

When I got home it was time for breakfast, Oat Mush:

No, I have not gone blind.

I realize that this looks horribly unappetizing.

However, I promise that it tasted just fine! I’m going to have to figure out what’s going on with these new gluten free oats I bought. They get all weird sometimes, and I think it happens when I try to add egg to my oats. It’s like the oats just don’t want to be friends with the egg… Not very nice.

Anyway, the bowl included 1/3 C Oats, 1/3 C Almond milk, 1/3 and 1 T water, 1/2 T Chia seeds, 1 egg, 1/2 banana, and some PB mixed in! I promise, check out my oats on my recipe page… they don’t always look so awful.

For lunch, I packed a new dish that I tried out! I had bought some rice pasta and I wanted to give it a try, so I cooked it up and added in some eggplant, mushrooms and spinach that I’d sautéed. I added 1/4 C marinara sauce and tada!

I also added some nutritional yeast right before eating it, to give it a nice cheesy flavor. It was really good! My only issue was the marinara sauce just got watery and went to the bottom after microwaving the dish at school. Maybe I should keep it separate next time.

My afternoon snack was consumed during class… thus no pictures (pulling out your iphone is kind of frowned upon during a law school class…) But I had a sliced up apple and some almonds.

When I got home for dinner I had a craving for sweet potato and kale! I always bake sweet potatoes on the weekend and keep them in my fridge, so I just heated one up! On the side is some kale that I steamed after pouring a little apple cider vinegar and a little coconut aminos (soy free, gluten free soy sauce). Then I added some chopped up chicken hot dog, 1 T of hummus and 1 T of nutritional yeast.

I have to say this was absolutely delicious. It really hit the spot and it doesn’t hurt that I’m currently in love with the hummus and nutritional yeast mixture. Definitely try it out!

For dessert? Leftover birthday cake!

Have you tried some new products (such as my Trader Joe’s gluten free oats) that didn’t turn out as you’d hoped or you had to try out ways to make it work?

What are your favorite strength training moves?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.