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When to Hire an Unemployment Lawyer

When to Hire an Unemployment Lawyer

Holding onto a job these days is difficult to do not because of employee behavior but because of the struggling economy. When a worker is laid off from their job they are eligible to receive unemployment benefits from their state and federal government if they meet certain requirements. If a worker looses their job they should hire an unemployment lawyer to help them with the benefit application process and the job search that must follow to keep receiving those benefits.

Step 1: Meet with Employer

As the economy continues to crawl along more and more companies are letting their employees go to cut costs and help company finances. The first step in hiring an unemployment lawyer is to meet with your employer to determine whether or not you will be laid off. The employee should determine that if he or she is being let go they are being laid off and not fired. The difference can affect the ability to collect unemployment benefits. If the employer tells the employee that they will be getting laid off in the near future the employee should begin searching for an unemployment lawyer.

Step 2: Begin Search for Lawyer

Once the employee is laid off from their job he or she should begin their search for an unemployment lawyer. The search should involve the Yellow Pages, the Internet, and word of mouth referrals from friends and family members. The employee should meet with at least five different lawyers before choosing which one to hire. When meeting with the lawyers the employee should ask plenty of questions regarding their case and how the lawyer will handle it. The lawyer chosen should make the employee feel comfortable when in their presence as well.

Step 3: Hire a Lawyer

Once the employee has met with all of their prospective lawyers he or she should make a decision regarding one of them and hire them to work the case. There are plenty of legal fees that will need to be paid by the client, which makes it more difficult for an unemployed person to want to hire a lawyer to represent them during this tough time. Once the lawyer is hired the client can provide him or her with all of the financial and personal information needed to begin the application process.

Step 4: Apply for Unemployment Benefits

Now that a lawyer has been hired the employee and the lawyer can begin the application process. The lawyer will gather all of the personal information from the employee including social security number, mother’s maiden name, length of employment at the company in question and much more. Once the information has been collected the lawyer will then help the client fill out all of the required paperwork. The lawyer will file the paperwork with the local state unemployment agency office.

Step 5: Begin Job Search

Once the application has been filed the employee must then begin a search for a new job. The attorney representing the employee can help with the job search as well. The attorney will have to remind their client that they will not receive unemployment benefits if they do not search for a new job on a daily basis. Also, the attorney will represent their client during any meetings with their state unemployment agency, which are required.

Jim Vassallo: Jim is a freelance writer based out of the suburbs of Philadelphia in New Jersey. Jim earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications and minor in Journalism from Rowan University in 2008. While in school he was the Assistant Sports Director at WGLS for two years and the Sports Director for one year. He also covered the football, baseball, softball and both basketball teams for the school newspaper 'The Whit.' Jim lives in New Jersey with his wife Nicole, son Tony and dog Phoebe.

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