Categories: Law Life

WIAW–Crazy Schedule Style!

Good morning everyone! I’m putting up the post and then running out the door to catch the bus, then the train, and I’ll be on my way to the airport! I’m just hoping it’s not too crowded and crazy! We actually have class today… but oops I scheduled my flight in the morning. Shhhh don’t tell my Constitutional Law teacher…

If you haven’t heard of What I Ate Wednesday, head over to Peas and Crayons and check it out! I love it because I find new blogs and some great new recipes and ideas for packing lunch!

Peas and Crayons

My morning started out bright and early! I heard Molly start to whimper, so I rolled myself out of bed and took her outside. Then I hurried back in and made myself a cup of coffee!

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Which I enjoyed while working on a school project due today, and with this lovely creature hanging over my lap and chewing on her teddy bear. Not distracting, no, not at all.

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I’m not sure why this picture came out so grainy… But she’s adorable anyway. And full of lots of energy in the morning… Good thing I had a plan to take her to the park and play fetch! After breakfast, that is!

In the mix: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1/2 banana, 1 T Peanut Butter!

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It definitely hit the spot on a dreary and chilly morning!

After we’d both had breakfast, Molly and I headed out to the park! We dug some holes, played fetch, and looked adorable. Well she did, my hair was a mess from the wind…

When it started sprinkling, I knew it was time to head in! After taking Molly home, I headed back to my apartment to start packing for Thanksgiving. I also made myself some pumpkin spice chai tea with almond milk. The tea came from my Adagio package that I got a few days ago. I’m a fan of the pumpkin spice!

I had a workout with my trainer at 11, and since I ate breakfast at 7, I was already feeling hungry and knew I’d be starving before my workout if I didn’t get in a snack! I mixed together 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 1 T peanut flour, a little almond milk to thin in out, and the rest of my blueberries!

After my workout with my trainer, I came home, showered, got some packing done and then was STARVING for lunch! I needed to use up some veggies in my fridge, so I spiralized a zucchini, and added in some broccoli and chickpeas. I covered it with a sauce made from nutritional yeast and hummus. I also topped it with some dried cranberries, which was a delicious idea!

After that, I was still a little hungry, so I decided to finish off my Greek yogurt. In the mix is 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 1 T peanut flour, cinnamon, and some carob chips.

After I finished this bowl, it was time to rush downtown for class! Last two classes before Thanksgiving break!!! It was very exciting! Haha.

Between classes and then taking the bus back to Molly’s apartment (yes, it’s HER apartment), I had a Pure Bar (which is fruit and nuts, kinda like a luna bar) and an apple! (lol just a picture of the wrapper… I’d already eaten the bar by the time I remembered to take a picture).

By the time I got home from dealing with rush-hour traffic and rain while taking Molly to the Puppy Hotel (and almost crying leaving her there…) I was so hungry I could barely put something together! I grabbed the only two perishable things left: a sweet potato (with hummus) and some lettuce. Sounds good, right?

And of course there were one… or two protein cupcakes involved. And then hectic last minute packing. Whoops.

Have you ever pet-sat for anyone before?

What do you like to throw together when you are absolutely starving??

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.