Our nation is being crippled by many American workers not being able to attend their job due to physical disabilities. Everywhere in the country you will find people not being able to fulfill their duties and are left unsupported while twisting in the wind. If you find yourself in a similar dilemma, there’s still hope, this hope is called Social Security Disability. The Social Security Administration started this program to revitalize the American economy by supplying disabled Americans with income.
They use taxpayers’ money to help fund the program so that disabled Americans like you can accept your checks and enjoy being a participant in Social Security Disability. This isn’t a miracle program and not everyone gets accepted due to so many applicants. Even though it sounds like this program should have been instituted a long time ago, it hasn’t and it’s currently an extremely long process, but is still worth the wait. A Burlington Social Security disability lawyer will be able to answer any inquiries an applicant might have regarding their claim and whether or not it will be approved by the Social Security Administration.
It’s completely understandable that you may have needs and a family you have to support. But you’re not alone in this; disabled workers are an epidemic among America. So, you shouldn’t be surprised by the fact that not everyone gets accepted the first try, maybe not even the second. Also, you need to make sure you qualify before you even apply, you can go over that with your Social Security Disability lawyer. If you do get denied, your Burlington Social Security Disability lawyer can resubmit your initial application until you get approved. The requirements are:
You are unable to work
You have a physical or mental disability
Your disability will last 12 months or result in death
By using the Social Security Disability lawyer to your advantage, you can relieve yourself of various stresses. Remember that even though you hired a lawyer, they will only benefit you at the hearing, not the application process. Applying for an being granted disability is a very long road but can be very rewarding once the process is complete. It might be in your best interest to hire a disability lawyer to help you with your case, one that has an excellent reputation to represent you in the case. The lawyer will help you fill out the application forms, submit them to the proper agency, and represent you at any hearings you must be at in order to acquire the benefits.
Right now there are thousands of applicants waiting to be approved for benefits, which means the system is backlogged due to the sheer volume of people applying. So, if you are planning to apply for Social Security disability anytime soon, you will likely run into a long wait until the benefits are approved.