Categories: Law Life

The Silver Lining

So. About my computer. It died.

Oh, and the best part? I’m a genius and hadn’t backed up anything for almost a year. In other words, I lost all my photos (thank goodness for Facebook) and all of my school notes and outlines. With finals starting next week, you can imagine the panic attack that ensued.

I literally almost threw up in Best Buy.

Then I cried on the sidewalk.

Then I went into fix-it mode.

Whenever a problem arises that stresses me out, my immediate reaction is to fix it. I cannot calm down until I have done everything I can possibly do to make it better. So I sucked it up and started calling/texting/e-mailing people from each of my classes to get notes. Who would actually give me their notes from the ENTIRE SEMESTER? That’s a lot to hand over to someone else.

But you know what?

They did it.

Then I almost started crying again. I got an outpouring of support from my classmates, and people I didn’t even contact sending me things to help. It’s in the moments where we think the whole world is crashing down around us, that we see how much good there is in those around us. I realize this isn’t a life-changing traumatic situation, but without these notes I could potentially fail some classes, which to me would be highly traumatic. Dealing with situations like these just reminds me that people are inherently good, and that I have so much more support than I could have ever imagined.

So while I’m pulling myself back together today and starting over on all my outlines, I want to share a gift with you!

I teased you with it yesterday, but here you go: Holiday-Themed Protein Cupcakes.

Chocolate Peppermint Protein Cupcake


1 scoop vanilla protein powder (21g)

1 T flour (I use garbanzo bean flour or Bob’s Red Mill GF Baking Flour)

1/4 tsp baking powder

1 tsp cocoa powder

1 packet Truvia

1 T applesauce

1 – 1 and 1/2 T milk (may need to add more)

1 mashed up mini candy cane (yielded around 1/2 to 1 tsp pieces, can use more)


Mix together dry ingredients and candy cane pieces. Then add wet ingredients. Mix together and scrape sides of bowl so it’s all down at the bottom. (I use a 1 cup size microwavable bowl). Then microwave for approximately 35 seconds. May need to put back in for 5-10 sec intervals depending on your microwave and how cooked/uncooked you like it.

I was actually surprised on how well the peppermint taste came out! This would also be good without the cocoa powder, and I’d also like to try it with a little peppermint extract, I just don’t have any at the moment!

Cranberry Protein Cupcake


1 scoop vanilla protein powder (21g)

1 T flour (I use garbanzo bean flour or Bob’s Red Mill GF Baking Flour)

1/4 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp vanilla extract

1 packet Truvia

1 T applesauce

1 – 1 and 1/2 T milk (may need to add more)

1 T cranberry sauce


Mix together dry ingredients, and then add in wet. Mix all together and scrape sides of bowl so it’s all down at the bottom. (I use a 1 cup size microwavable bowl). Then microwave for approximately 35 seconds. May need to put back in for 5-10 sec intervals depending on your microwave and how cooked/uncooked you like it.

I know it looks like it’s chocolate, but that’s just the color that the cranberry made it come out! I’m also considering putting the cranberry sauce on the bottom of the bowl, and then topping it with the rest of the mix… Either way, this was a delicious way to use my “leftover” cranberry sauce! And yes, I realize it looks exactly like the peppermint one… I promise I took two pictures! Haha.

Any other holiday flavor ideas? I have several in the works…

Have you ever been surprised by support you get from people?

Note To Readers: GO BACK UP YOUR HARD DRIVES. RIGHT NOW. You never know when a hungry beast will knock over water onto your computer. IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU.

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.