A psychiatrist was told by Casey Anthony that she became pregnant with Caylee after she passed out at a party at the age of 18. This information comes from a deposition Anthony was involved in where the doctor gave tests that did not indicate Anthony was mentally ill as her murder trial loomed.
In July, Anthony was acquitted of murdering her two-year-old daughter. Jeff Danziger, the psychiatrist, said that Anthony did not know who Caylee’s father was. The deposition of Danziger was unsealed and released by a judge in Florida on Wednesday. Anthony was interviewed five times over a span of two years by Danziger but he never testified during the murder trial.
“Two beers, possibly given another drug. Woke up passed out,” said Danziger, while reading from the notes that he took while interviewing Anthony in November of 2010. “Don’t remember anything at a party, age 18. This is how she said she got pregnant.”
In the deposition, Danziger said that Anthony displayed no evidence of mental illness and there were no abnormal results on the psychological tests administered. He also said that her demeanor was cooperative, pleasant, and calm.
“You would expect that would provoke some measure of distress, whether someone genuinely did it, whether someone was falsely accused,” Danziger said. “If my child was missing and I was in jail being accused of it, I probably wouldn’t eat and wouldn’t be cheerful and wouldn’t be able to read.”
Danziger expresses reluctance to disclose all of the information discussed during his interviews with Anthony. He did not want to discuss the allegations of her being abused and her own contention that her father helped in covering up Caylee’s death. The psychiatrist was told by Anthony that her father found Caylee’s body in the swimming pool, helped to dispose of it, and then covered it up. George Anthony denied being a part of Caylee’s disappearance or death during the murder trial for Casey Anthony.
“As he has repeatedly said prior to the trial, during the trial and after the trial he never molested any member of his family including Casey Anthony,” George Anthony’s attorney, Mark Lippman, said Wednesday. “He had nothing to do with the death of Caylee Marie Anthony including what happened to her remains after she allegedly drowned.”
Danziger stated that he did not want to become ‘a vector’ of Casey’s allegations of crimes against others who might have not done anything illegal. Caylee was reported missing in the summer of 2008 but her disappearance was not reported to authorities until one month later. Detectives were lied to repeatedly by Casey Anthony when she claimed that a babysitter kidnapped the girl. Judge Belvin Perry agreed to unseal the transcripts of the depositions after multiple requests by Florida media outlets.