Categories: Law Life

11 Things

Happy Monday! Not super happy for me, Monday is by far my longest day at school. I leave at 7:30am and get home around 7:15pm. Not a fan. Yesterday was nice and relaxing though, I went to Bikram in the morning, met up with a girl who lives in the apartment over from me for frozen yogurt, and went to the dog park with my brother, sister-in-law, and Molly!!! Oh, and I got a little work done too… It was a good Sunday. Much too short though.

On Saturday, Ashley tagged me in her 11 things survey. It’s a survey where I 1) have to post 11 things about myself, 2) answer the questions she asks, and 3) then come up with 11 new questions for anyone that I tag!

Here are the survey “rules”:

#1: You must post these rules.
#2: Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
#3: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.

11 Things About Me

1) I went to the same school from the age of 2 until 18. That is 16 years at one school, folks! It was a private school in Kansas City that started with “Early Years” and went through high school. Some of my friends that you’ve all seen on the blog, like Caroline, Helen and Maddie were all there with me for those 16 years!

2) I love listening to the Harry Potter audiobooks. This is for several reasons: 1) I love Harry Potter, 2) if I get distracted and I’m not concentrating it doesn’t matter, I know exactly what happened anyway, and 3) I find the narrator’s voice very calming. I literally will play the audiobook if I can’t fall asleep…

3) I am the middle child, with an older brother and a younger brother, and my mom was the exact same way! I always thought it was so funny that we both grew up with an older and younger brother!

(yes, awful picture, but it’s hard to find one of all three of us!)

4) I am a huge fan of ABBA. If you’ve never heard of ABBA, they are a band from Sweden and the musical Mamma Mia was made off of their music. My friend Maddie and I have been to 2 ABBA tribute concerts in Denver and plan on returning as many times as we can during our lifetimes… Best concert of my life.

5) My absolute favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice, and I refuse to watch it with anyone else, unless they are as obsessed with it as I am. I’ve literally watched the movie probably 15 times, and then the movie with the director’s commentary another 12 or so… I loved the book, but the movie is beautiful. And I don’t want anyone who doesn’t understand it ruining it for me. Yep. Selfish. I’m okay with that one.

6) Sports I have played (and ultimately was awful at…): soccer, basketball, tennis, swimming, golf, gymnastics, ballet, horseback riding, volley ball, field hockey, softball. Why did no one ever suggest running?

7) I can sail though! I went to summer camp in Minnesota for 7 years where I also had the opportunity to take a week long sailing trip on Lake Superior and another in the British Virgin Islands. I was then a counselor at another camp where I got to take the same Lake Superior sailing trip, but as the counselor this time. I miss it. A lot. I haven’t sailed in 4 and a half years…

8) One of my life goals is to visit all 50 states. So far I’ve got 30! Sadly I haven’t gotten a new one in well over a year. I need to get on this. Suggestions?

9) My favorite station on Pandora is my S Club 7 Station. It plays all my favorite music from elementary to middle school. Don’t laugh, we’re talking Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, etc. It’s a serious mood-booster.

10) I am allergic to dogs. AHHHHHHHHHH WHAT?!?!?????!! Yes. I am. However, because I grew up with dogs, it only bothers me when I’m in an enclosed space with them (or their fur) for a long time. Ex: road trip with Molly = me getting sniffly. No big deal, but still, upsetting. If it makes anyone feel better, I’m WAY allergic to cats (sorry LT).

In order: Molly (duh), Penny the winking dog (Maddie’s, love her), and LT, Maddie’s cat (please note the teeeeeny feet).

11) I am a horse whisperer.

Okay, not REALLY. But I love horses and I love talking to them, as in I will literally stand there and chat with the horse… I’m not a rider or anything, but I think horses like me. Or particular ones. Like Bert(top photo), my friend Meredith’s horse. We had a connection. Miss him.

Ashley’s Questions:

1.  What is your favorite food of all time?


2.  How did you discover the healthy living blog community?

I read an article on Health.com by Tina from Carrots and Cake, found her blog from that, and then several more blogs from hers!

3.  What inspired you to start your own blog?

I was constantly sending e-mails with links to things that I wanted to share with friends, and one friend said, “why don’t you start your own blog?” I couldn’t get the idea out of my head and decided to try it out for a week. Now we’re almost 6 months in!

4.  Sweet or savory?

Sweet. I enjoy savory, but I would almost always prefer something sweet!

5.  Cooking or baking?  Or neither?

Baking! Believe it or not I think I’m a horrible cook, it makes me anxious most of the time! But I love baking, it’s so calming!

6.  Describe your “perfect day”.

Getting up and watching the first half hour to an hour of the Today Show and GMA, going on a nice run, then spending the whole rest of the day doing fun things with either family or friends. If it involved an amusement park I’d be very happy. And then ending the evening with an amazing dinner, wine, and of course some fro yo.

7.  How would you describe your personality?

Oh gosh, okay, I’m pretty shy and I definitely enjoy my alone time, but with other people I think I’m pretty nice and good at listening. I can get defensive and take things way too personally though… Something I need to work on!

8.  What is your favorite store?

Whole Foods. I could spend hours just exploring.

9.  Would you rather get new workout clothes or everyday clothes?

Hmm… I guess new every day clothes. I am pretty satisfied with my t-shirts and shorts and although I love spending all day in workout clothes, I think it would build my confidence to have some cute things to wear and feel good in.

10.  Treadmill or outdoors?

Outdoors only if it’s warm! Otherwise I’m totally content on the treadmill in my gym, great people watching!

11.  Tell me a funny story.

This one time, at band camp… Kidding. Okay, so I was in New Orleans with Maddie to visit a friend of ours (best 48 hours of my life actually) and we had the loveliest hotel room… First, there was one window, into the hallway. Then, as Maddie is getting ready she notices there isn’t a hairdryer and she had specifically made sure the room would come with one. She asked if I’d call the front desk. However, the phone wasn’t working. I finally figured out why: it didn’t have a cord to plug it into the wall. I died laughing. Died. Oh and our toilet didn’t work the whole trip. We are so requesting that room again if we ever go back.

Now here are the bloggers that I am going to tag:

Janae @ The Hungry Runner Girl

Laura @ Keeping Healthy Getting Stylish

Cate @ Good For You

Mary @ Bites and Bliss

Lindsay @ Running the Windy City

Cheryl @ Eat Play Luv Blog

And here are my questions for them!

1. If you could run any race or compete in any sporting event in the world, what would it be?

2. How many states or cities have you lived in?

3. Dog or cat person?

4. What is your favorite chip flavor?

5. If you could buy a vacation home anywhere in the world, where would you pick?

6. What is your favorite dish to make for other people?

7. Are you a talker or a listener?

8. What’s your favorite nail polish color?

9. What is a weird quirk that you have?

10. What’s the best book you’ve ever read?

11. If you could date an action hero (Batman, Superman, Spiderman, etc.) who would it be?

Answer any of these questions! I’d love to learn more about you all!

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.