There was a rash of lunch thefts last week at the UCLA School of Law and now it seems to have spread to Washburn University School of Law.
One tipster from Washburn University had the following to say about an all-school email that was sent in response to the lunch thefts at the university.
“Apparently, stealing lunches is against our student honor code. This changes everything. Additionally, I would rather have my lunch stolen every day for the rest of the year than to have to continue receiving all school emails like this.”
A second student from Washburn said the following:
“We are the reason why people hate lawyers. Please add us to the list of jackassery / national conspiracy of disappearing law lunches.”
The Washburn SBA president sent the following alert regarding the lunch thefts:
There have been student lunches disappearing on a daily basis from the refrigerators WSBA provided for student use. As a reminder, the law school doors are open to the public and we would like to assume that it is not a student taking the lunches. If you see any suspicious behavior or a person not known to the school in that area, please report it to Dean Lowry or myself so it can be taken care of. As I noted above, the law school and law library are open to the public and we cannot assume that only students are in the school so please do not leave valuables (laptops, purses) unattended.
If a student is the person removing lunches, Dean Lowry and I would remind students that the Honor Code is based on the fundamental principles of mutual trust and respect. We pride ourselves on the conducive environment of Washburn School of Law. While some competitive atmosphere is healthy, we want to have a supportive environment for all students. Part I(A)(5)(a) of the Honor Code provides: “taking without lawful authorization any property belonging to other persons or the University” is a violation of the code.”
Another student from Washburn had an interesting, yet sarcastic, idea as to who the lunch thief is at the school:
“Dear WSBA,
Thank you for your interest in keeping each student and his property safe. I am not sure if there is a formal investigation into the disappearing lunches underway, but I think I may have a lead: Hopefully the perpetrator(s) can be quickly determined and justice swiftly served. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Thanks again for being such a caring and committed government, these important issues would not be resolved without you!
[Concerned Law Student]”