Students Aid In The Rescue Of Homeless Man Stuck In The Mud

Students Aid In The Rescue Of Homeless Man Stuck In The Mud

High school students on a field trip near the Rio Grande river in Albuquerque heard the cries of a homeless man down by the river. Upon further investigation, the students realized that he was stuck in the thick mud. According to authorities, the man had been stuck there for three days before the students came to his rescue. Unfortunately, the man’s freedom wouldn’t last long.

A biology teacher at La Cueva High School and his groups of students were the ones that heard the man yelling. It was Saturday morning and the man was crying out from marshy wetlands in the Oxbow Open Space Preserve. The students were engaged in a school project around two lies north of I-40 in Albuquerque on this early Saturday morning. When they saw the distressed man, they quickly called the local authorities. The students reported that a man cannot move and has been stuck in the river mud for three days.

According to the official report, preserve officers and fire crews quickly responded to the call from the students. Upon arrival they found “a male subject stuck on a reed island about a hundred yards from the west bank of the river,” read the report.

A simply pulley system was quickly assembled to help remove the man from the river and mud, and get him to dry ground. The rescue crew deployed an air boat equipped with the pulley system over to the man. Once securing him to the pulley, the crew lifted the man from the water and mud, and then up the hill to dry land.

He was quickly transported to a local hospital for treatment. Police identified the man as Clayton Senn. He was a transient who was living near the river at the time of the accident.

It was then discovered that, while rescued from the mud, Senn was about to be trapped in an even messier situation. A warrant was out for his arrest. It was for suspected aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. It is a felony charge. After he finishes treatment at the Albuquerque hospital, police will book him on the warrant upon his release.

The condition of Clayton Seen would not be provided by the local hospital. It is unknown whether the man has been released yet or not. Also, whether or not authorities have taken him under arrest for the felony of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

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