According to Speaker of the House John Boehner, America is being led by the country’s dumbest people, who are members of Congress. Isn’t this just some fantastic news?
“We got some of the smartest people in the country who serve here, and some of the dumbest. We got some of the best people you’d ever meet, and some of the raunchiest. We’ve got ’em all,” Boehner said in a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal.
Boehner decided to tout his own personal achievements he has gained while in Congress during the interview.
“There’s nobody who tried harder last year with the president to do the right thing,” Boehner said. “There’s nobody who walked further out on a limb than I did to try to get him to do the right thing.”
The comments from Boehner were referring to the debt talks from 2011 that turned very contentious. A tough struggle between Republicans and Democrats ensued because of the months-long fight. A battle also broke out between leaders of the GOP and President Barack Obama. Boehner previously walked out of one of the meetings, which prompted Obama to blame him for the talks dissipating. Backlash is on the docket for Boehner from fellow Republicans, who have vowed to shoot down his highway bill.