Categories: Law Life

Wedding Weekend–Part 1

This past weekend I headed off to Newberry, SC for my friend, Mary Frances’s, wedding! It was a great time, but I had no internet, which is why you are all getting the recap now!

I flew to SC Friday afternoon and rented a car since Newberry is about an hour and fifteen minutes from the airport. When I was getting the keys to the car, the Enterprise representative asked me if I’d want the Fiat or some other car (can’t remember). Silly me said, “Oh honestly I have no idea what these cars are just by hearing their name, so whatever is fine!” I should have known by the smirk on his face when he gave me the keys that I was in for it.

I headed to the garage, looking for parking spot 17. I approached and saw a teeny red car, thinking wouldn’t it suck to have that car? Then I noticed it was in spot 17… Then I thought it was a mistake. I tried the key. It worked. No mistake, I was driving a bright red Fiat in small town South Carolina.

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Although I thought I was going to die on the highway in this tiny thing, I did enjoy it because it became quite a joke for the weekend. I also turned quite a few heads and got several questions from some men at the gas station… Let me just explain that cars like this don’t really exist in SC. They like their pickup trucks.

I headed into town and changed quickly at my friend’s house to head to the rehearsal and then the rehearsal dinner. Although it was quite a large bridal party, the rehearsal went by pretty quickly!

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After the rehearsal we headed to The Firehouse where the dinner was being held. After some cocktails we enjoyed a wonderful sit down dinner. It was so nice of Mary to include me! Here’s a great camo shot of Mary Frances with two bridesmaids, Chelsea and Meredith.

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The dress Mary Frances wore to the dinner was actually the dress her mother got married in! She looked absolutely gorgeous and was great about going around and talking with everyone there. There were a bunch of fun toasts and a lot of laughs. We were ready for the big day!

Both Friday and Saturday night I stayed at Chelsea’s lake house near Newberry with a few other people. It was so sweet of her to let me stay with them, and great for me since I wasn’t stuck in a hotel room alone!

Saturday morning we got up and Meredith’s boyfriend, who is a chef and owns two restaurants, made us some breakfast! I could certainly get used to this…

We started out with smoothies made from fresh berries:

And then had the MOST AMAZING EGGS EVER, with sausage and bacon! It was ridiculously delicious. I ate this plate times 2:

I was a little worried, however, because this was not exactly my typical pre-run meal… A bit more protein and a biiiiiit less carbs that what I should eat. And, well, I’m pretty sure it affected me.

About an hour or so after breakfast I headed out on my run, heading to Dreher Island State Park, which was about 3 miles down the road from the house. I then went into the park and ran around a few times until I had built up to 9 miles and then headed back to the house.

I completely lucked out on weather, it was gorgeous, warm, and I loved running out in the country! It was so nice to do a run that wasn’t in the city!

I wore my Camel Bak, which I wish I’d put a bit more water in because I was feeling pretty dehydrated, and ended up putting my gloves and headband in the pack after 2 miles because it was too warm for it!

Although the run was absolutely gorgeous, it didn’t actually go well… At all. I did manage to finish my 12 miles in just under an hour for a pace of about 9:51 min/mile. However, I was dehydrated, improperly fuelled, and completely unprepared for all the hills!

I thought since it was an island, hills wouldn’t be much of an issue once I got out there. I was so, so very wrong. The only flat part of the run was the bridge! Otherwise it was up and down and up and down… The back of my right knee really started to bother me and I got pretty nauseous near the end!

I do have to say that I am pretty proud that I stuck to it! I definitely learned my lesson though on pre-run food! Haha but I don’t regret that breakfast, so good!

After my run I stretched, showered, and then rested up for an hour or so before it was time to get dressed and head to the wedding! The rest of my weekend will be coming tomorrow with part two!

Have you ever eaten something before a run/workout even though you knew you shouldn’t?

Where is your favorite place to run/walk?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.