One of the most recognizable and beautiful actresses, Anne Hathaway, is sporting a new hairdo these days as she works on a new film. Hathaway had to cut most of her hair off for a new role she is preparing to play. Hathaway has been cast as the role of Fantine in the movie adaptation of ‘Les Miserables.’ Hathaway was first spotted when leaving the Box, a hot spot in London. Hathaway was there spending time with her fiancé, Adam Shulman and one of her female friends. In a couple of pictures floating around the internet today, Hathaway is shown trying to hide her short hair with her hand.
Hathaway having to cut her hair for the role of Fantine is right in line with the story from ‘Les Miserables.’ In the story, Fantine worked as a prostitute who had to cut her hair in an effort to acquire money so she could purchase food for her child, Cosette. The film, which is being directed by Tom Hooper, also stars Russell Crowe, Hugh Jackman, Eddie Redmayne, Helena Bonham Carter, Sacha Baron Choen and Amanda Seyfried. Hathaway joined the cast in late 2011 and the film is being shot in London right now.
Hathaway, aside from cutting her hair, was also rumored to be employing the use of a crash diet in order to lose enough weight to look like Fantine. Fantine becomes seriously ill in ‘Les Miserables,’ dying from tuberculosis, but the representative for Hathaway shot down the extreme diet rumor very quickly.
“The story is a huge exaggeration,” her representative told multiple media outlets. “Anne is on a special diet, but is not looking to lose that much weight, and she’s consuming more than 500 calories a day. She just needs to look more frail as she is playing a prostitute who is dying of tuberculosis.”