Speaker John Boehner, Republican from Ohio, said on Sunday that the background and wealth of Mitt Romney will not prevent the country from voting for him in the presidential election this fall.
“The American people do not want to vote for a loser,” Boehner said.” “They don’t want to vote for someone who hasn’t been successful. I think Mitt Romney has a chance to show the American people that they, too, can succeed.”
The background for Boehner is quite different from that of Romney’s as Boehner had to work his way through Xavier University at his family’s tavern by mopping floors and waiting tables. Romney has a law degree and a business degree from Harvard while also making his millions at Bain Capital before he entered into politics. Romney’s father, George, was an auto executive before becoming the Michigan governor and then entering into the administration for President Richard Nixon.
Boehner went on to praise the character of Romney and said that the two share the same goals, which are to improve the economy.
“I’ve known the governor for 15 years. He’s a very likable person,” Boehner said. “And frankly, he’s had a very successful career. I think the governor should be proud of his accomplishments.
“He and I are both striving for the same thing: to make sure that our kids and grandkids have an opportunity at the American dream that he and I have had,” Boehner continued. “Every American ought to have this chance. And I think he has a background where he can go and talk about how to create jobs, how to turn this economy around and how to give the American people what they want: more jobs.”
Boehner then discussed who he thought Romney would choose as his running mate for Vice President.
“I think the number one quality is, are they capable of being president in case of an emergency,” Boehner said.
Boehner said that Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, Senator Rob Portman of Ohio and Governor Mitch Daniels of Indiana all fit the bill as possible Vice President candidates for Romney. Boehner also thinks that Rubio was campaigning for the nod when he gave a speech at the Brookings Institution earlier this month while also proposing a revision to the DREAM Act.
“I could go down a long list of people,” said Boehner. Ultimately, though, the speaker said that it is Romney’s call.
“This is a personal choice for Governor Romney,” Boehner said, “and I’m confident he’ll have a running mate that will be helpful to the ticket.”