Categories: Law Life

Crafting in KC

So remember this week’s Thursday Thought’s when I mentioned those handmade bracelets that I saw on Pinterest? Well I finally went to the craft store and started making a couple! The store nearest me was a little limited on supplies, so I was a bit disappointed in what I could find. I definitely want to go to another craft store further out to find some more chains and maybe rope, but I wanted to show you all what I came up with!

My inspiration for this bracelet came straight from the pin:

I couldn’t find a gold chain that thick, so I ended up doubling up the gold chain that ?I did find, to make it look a little better.

After excessive googling, I found how to make the bracelet part (which was embarrassing since I knew I’d made a million just like this when I was younger…) and then I got started!

I actually did this part sitting outside on our front porch since it was so nice out! Looking up into the trees:

When I got inside I started working on the metal part. I connected the chains to the turquoise bracelet I made, which was easy since the links opened up pretty easily with the pliers.

TADA! Here it is!

So not exactly like the photo… but a good first attempt. Hopefully I’ll be able to find some better/thicker chains at another store and perfect my bracelet-making in the next few days! I want to make a few in several colors, so I can wear them either together, or with different outfits. I thought about doing the friendship bracelet one as well, but I feel like those might be too casual for wearing to my internship this summer.

Now I just have to find some cute clothes that are work-appropriate! Ahhhhh. Good thing I have some time to work on it!

While I was out, I also discovered a new health food store in KC! I just stopped in to look around, and ended up being OVERWHELMED by the amazingness and just walking around for way too long! Don’t worry, I made some purchases too. If you live in KC you should check out Natural Grocers at 91st and Metcalf!

One thing I love? You have to bring your own bag! It’s got a lot of what whole foods has, but much cheaper. They have a hug bulk section:

And part of it is refrigerated!

They also have a huge section for health and beauty and natural supplements:

And more Kombucha than Whole Foods! Plus a great grab-n-go section!

I was very impressed!

A little after the grocery store my day got EVEN better (can you imagine?) when I got to get frozen yogurt with my friend Helen!!! It was so nice to catch up with her!

(sorry Helen, should have noticed your eyes were closed… haha should have guessed!)

Have you ever made something off of pinterest?

Do you like to make your own jewelry?

Any cool health food stores near you?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.