It seems that the majority of Americans blame the nation’s struggling economy on former President George W. Bush, according to a new poll released by Gallup on Thursday. Even though the November election will come down to President Barack Obama’s handling of the economy, the poll shows that most of the blame has been placed on Obama’s predecessor.
The poll shows that 68 percent of Americans place a great deal or moderate amount of the blame for the economy on Bush. In comparison, 52 percent of Americans place the blame on Obama. Across the country, Republicans place most of the blame on current president Obama, at an 83 percent clip while 49 percent place the blame on Bush. To this day, close to 90 percent of Democrats continue to place the economic blame on Bush while just 19 percent place the blame on Obama. This proves that Republicans are more likely to hold Bush responsible for the economy than Democrats are willing to place blame on Obama.
As voters take to the polls in November, the key factor in the election will be the economy and how Americans feel Obama has done with the economy during his tenure. The poll conducted by Gallup shows that Americans are still negative about the direction that the economy is headed towards right now.