Wesley Warren Jr. has said that he declined an offer for free surgery to help get rid of a bulging problem he has been suffering from below his waist. Warren has a 100-pound scrotum and he said that he turned down the offer for a free surgery paid for by the “Dr. Oz Show.” The show offered to pay for the surgery so that they could have the exclusive rights to the interview with Warren.
Warren has also turned down the idea that he does not want the surgery so he can continue to garner the attention that comes with having a 100-pound scrotum. Warren said, “Who would want to live like this?” he said. “I just don’t want to die during the operation.”
Warren has not been able to secure a job and has caused him to have trouble urinating. The surgery offered to Warren does come with some major risks. One of those risks is that doctors might have to remove Warren’s testicles and penis should they not be able to stop the bleeding from the surgery. Warren created a Facebook page back in 2011 in order to raise money for the surgery and his page did receive quite a bit of comments mocking the man but also some positive thoughts as well.
“Keep praying. God’s going to fix this,” one user wrote.
Keep your head up,” another commented. “You will get the surgery.”