Categories: Law Life

OFF! Blogger Event

Hey Everyone! I hope you’re all having great weekends! Mine has been pretty awesome, since I’m puppy-sitting my favorite dog ever!

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Apparently the guest bed is Molly’s bed, so she was not so excited that I was taking it from her. Let’s just say she did her best to try and show me that it was hers… by sprawling out over the whole bed. Thanks, Mol. She was also an awesome wake-up call for my morning run.

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On Thursday night I was invited to attend an event by OFF!, held in Lincoln Park near the zoo and Nature Conservatory. It was a gorgeous night, and I was excited to meet some new Chicago-area bloggers! I thought it would be fun to go since I had always used OFF! growing up, the smell immediately brings back memories of summer camp!

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The event was hosted by Jeanne  Benedict, who hosts the show Weekend Entertaining on the DIY Network. She was so sweet and upbeat! It was great to meet her!

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The main product they were promoting was their OFF! Clip-On Mosquito Repellant. It’s a repellant that you just clip on to your belt, purse, chair or just set down next to you and it provides a “bubble” of protection around you for up to 12 hours. It’s completely odorless (which I was shocked at!) and is great for when you’re hanging around one area, rather than out on a hike.

Currently they have them in 4th of July themed, so of course I snatched up the camo one!

They also had these cute aprons for doing crafts!

They had a ton of Fourth of July crafts set up, including making beach-themed center pieces and decorating flower pots. It was all really cute!

Unfortunately, I had to head out early, but I didn’t leave empty-handed! They made sure to send me off with another Clip-On as well as a can of Off! Deep Woods.

Happy Camper!

What smell makes you think of summer as a kid?

What’s your favorite thing to wake up to?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.