Categories: Law Life

Good Things Come in Three

Hey everyone! How was your weekend!?

In case you missed anything over here, this weekend I:

I got a Versatile Blogger Award from a reader,

I ran into a great Nike Chicago event during my run on Saturday,

and, I talked about the OFF! Blogger Event I went to!

Mondays can be rough, with 5 full days of work seeming overwhelming, so here’s a great quote I found on pinterest to help!

Nelson Mandela Quote

The work-week may seem daunting at times, but just take it moment by moment, day by day, and before you know it you will have completed whatever was worrying you!

So you know how good things come in three’s? Well I’ve got three good things for you today!

Thing 1:

First off, I had a great walk with Chelsey on Saturday! She drove all the way into the city to come visit me, and the weather was absolutely perfect! She met the lovely Molly (who was VERY excited to make a new friend) and then we headed off on a walk through lakeview to my free froyo place (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, check out the post and prepare to turn green… with jealousy! hahahaha okay I’ll stop). Anyhoo, we had a great time just walking and talking!


We walked all the way back after getting our delicious frozen yogurt (we both got pistachio and honey greek yogurt: great minds pick the same frozen yogurt flavors),

photo 1 (5)


and once we made it back to my brother’s apartment, I couldn’t believe how quickly the time had passed! Thanks for coming to visit, Chelsey!

Thing 2:

I came home Thursday after work and found a package! I could not in the life of me figure out what it was! I kept thinking I’d ordered something and forgotten all about it! I opened the package and literally squealed! It was a package from Wild Harvest, which they sent out to all Healthy Living Summit attendees since they are sponsoring the event!

THANK YOU WILD HARVEST! I was so pumped! Although I couldn’t eat a couple items, it was so great to 1) get free food, 2) get a package (who doesn’t like mail!?!?) and 3) get to try out their products!

I received Animal Crackers (I literally almost dug into these despite the gluten…), Cherry Vanilla granola (same thing…), Cayenne pepper, ginger, California raisins…

…mango peach salsa, black beans, applesauce, and creamy peanut butter!

I haven’t tried too many things since I was gone all weekend (puppy sitting Molly), but I’m dying to try the salsa!!! I bet they’d go great with the black beans. How perfect!

Thing 3:

I have a quickie upper-body circuit for you all today! On Thursday morning I ran 3 miles and stretched, which left me with 15 minutes until I needed to leave the gym. I decided to come up with a super fast circuit that I could do in that time!

And if you were confused on the first move, here’s a link: Chest flies with body in a bridge

Do you think good things come in threes? Or bad things?

Have you ever tried Wild Harvest Organics?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.