The couple, Tina Michelle Norris, 39, and her live in boyfriend of five years, James Albert Barfield, 56, insisted on remaining naked while they explained to police what had happened. Melissa Fugate, the visiting friend, who was the only one fully dressed for the interview, and also the only one who, thankfully, was sleeping alone, told the cops that the couple was “equally aggressive to each other and involved in mutual physical altercation,” after Norris claims to have “found James in bed with another woman and James stated he found (Norris) in bed with the other men,” adding, in case the point was missed, that “they had a weird relationship.” The three extra sexual partners had meanwhile quite reasonably gotten the hell out of there before the cops showed up.
That the couple refused to get dressed may be related to their extreme intoxication. Both were charged with domestic battery, and Norris also with resisting arrest.