Skittles has released some new television ads recently, one featuring a walrus sitting on a couch with an attractive woman. The girlfriend of the walrus comes home and his lady friend on the couch tells her that Bobby the Walrus actually is not Bobby. During the ad, the woman and the walrus make out on the couch. The ad was created to promote the new Skittles, which have flavors that do not match the coating on the outside of the shell. The commercial ends with the line, “Taste the Rainbow. Deceive the Rainbow.”
The new ad has been deemed inappropriate by the conservative advocacy group, One Million Moms. The group posted the following statement on its website that says,
“We are not sure of Skittles’ thought process behind their new ad, but if they are attempting to offend customers, they have succeeded… Parents find this type of advertising inappropriate and unnecessary. Does Skittles’ have our children’s best interest in mind? Skittles candies are for all ages, but their target market is children.â€
The group also claims that the ad takes “lightly the act of bestiality.†One Million Moms also urges consumers to send letters and emails to Wrigley Co. that “they pull this offensive commercial immediately.” The Huffington Post received an email from a Wrigley spokesperson that says,
“Skittles has won millions of fans with its unique and unexpected advertising. As a fun-loving candy brand, we never intend to offend people with our irreverent humor and don’t believe this imaginary situation promotes harm or inappropriate behavior with animals.â€Â