“We are excited to partner with Fordham Law School, one of the world’s great law schools, in introducing students to international practice,” said Geoffrey Sant, the director of the CBLA. “Our goal is both to introduce students to the practice of international law, and also to help those students network with attorneys working in this field. We see these students as the future of our profession, and it is part of our mission to help them as they join China practices.”
This program will expose Fordham students to the Asian legal field through a mentoring program which will match students with attorneys in the field, it will give them access to CBLA events, such as the recently hosted “International Practice — a Career Panel,” presentation which exposed students to dozens of firms, and an event anticipated to take place January 28, 2013, “Deals and Suits: Challenges and Opportunities for Chinese Companies Doing Business in the United States,” which will include Fordham professors, practicing attorney from major firms, and the Honorable Denny Chin of the Second Circuit.
The CBLA, a non-profit founded in 2009, will also offer quarterly seminars in Chinese legal practices and social networking.