Categories: Law Life

WIAW–Busy Sunday

Hey everyone, Happy Wednesday! I love Wednesdays, because once the day starts I’m halfway done with my school week! (yay for no class Fridays!) I’m also excited for this weekend since I have our blogger book club and then the Thriller in Schiller 5K!

I wanted to remind you all that we’re reading Dark Places by Gillian Flynn and I’ve decided that if you want to read along and post your own review on your blog, I’ll do a review round up! This idea is totally Julie’s on Peanut Butter Fingers, but I love the idea of everyone reading and discussing a book together so I wanted to do it as well! (even got her seal of approval!) I’ll be posting the review roundup on Monday, October 29th so e-mail me the link to your post by 5am that morning (peaceloveandoats@gmail.com). And if you’re late, send it along and I’ll add it in later!

I also realize this gives you less than a week if you haven’t read the book… but I’ll do this every month so you’ll get a chance again!

Now on to What I Ate Wednesday! If you’re new to WIAW, head over to Peas and Crayons to learn what it’s all about and to check out the other bloggers who are participating!

Today’s WIAW is from Sunday, which was… an interesting day. I woke up around 7 and posted my blog, read a couple, and got ready to head out. I left at 8 for an MPRE review course (legal ethics exam) but I realized while I was waiting for the bus that I let my computer’s power cord in my apartment and my battery was almost dead… I ran back to get it and at this point was running super late. I was lucky and made it there with enough time to grab coffee and oatmeal from starbucks like I’d planned. However, I got to school and saw that the building was locked! We were told they’d rescheduled the class for 10… awesome.

While waiting I sliced up a banana with my spoon and added nuts to the oatmeal, and then when we got the news I headed back to starbucks to eat and do some work.

I also had a grande coffee with 1 pump of pumpkin spice. The class ended up going until 2 and lucky for me I packed plenty of snacks!

I ended up eating the apple, carrots and one of the Kind bars during/right after the class. Afterwards I headed to Forever 21 and Whole Foods (*rant* – I hate the 8 Halsted bus1!! It’s always 20 min away when I get to a stop! *end rant*).

Between Forever 21 and Whole Foods I was starving again (um maybe because I had no time for lunch?) so I ate another one of my Kind Bars.

By the time I got home I was ready for dinner, and it was… 4:30. Linner? Whatever, I was hungry! I dug into my hot bar selection from Whole Foods:

Lol it looks like a mess, but there was butternut squash, an aztec chicken dish, some quinoa dish, another rice dish with mushrooms, some beans under that kale, and PEAS!

And right after that I had some Arctic Zero and sundrops for dessert!

Since I ate dinner… well, a liiiiittle early I was hungry later and had an apple and 2 banana protein muffins from Dashing Dish, along with some Peach tea from Yogi.

Haha and then for dessert #2 I had some frozen strawberries with flax milk and stevia!

Seriously, day of snacking! That’s what happens when I’m running around on the weekend, but it worked!

Do you tend to survive off of snacks on really busy days?

What’s your favorite kind of tea? I’m looking for new ones!

**Don’t forget to participate in the book club if you can!**

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.