Categories: Law Life

Thursday Thoughts: Birthday Edition

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween! Nothing too exciting over here. I had to stay late at school for a meeting and then did some studying and some Glee watching and early to bed… I know, WILD. To re-cap my birthday, I’m turning Thursday Thoughts into a birthday edition! With a few random things thrown in. It is Thursday Thoughts…

1. Luckily I got to see MOLLY on my birthday! It was only for a couple minutes, but I always love seeing her!

2. Speaking of Molly….

3. For my birthday, my friend sent me a new pair of norts (nike shorts) and I LOVE them! Had to snap a photo in the gym when I wore them on my birthday!

4. To celebrate my birthday, my brother and sister-in-law took me to the Laugh Factory for a comedy show. Beforehand we went to Falafill for dinner. I’d heard of it from Lindsay and was excited to give it a try! I got the seasonal falafel, which was beans and butternut squash, and filled up at the bar! It was really good!

5. The morning of my birthday my workout was supposed to be 40 min cardio. I know my knee (IT band) hurt during the 5K this weekend but I wanted to try running anyway… Stupid. I had to stop at 2.5 miles and then it was killing me all day. It feels fine when I walk around now, but I’m taking off running again until Monday and rolling/icing like a crazy person.

6. After the Laugh Factory, we saw a guy dressed up sitting alone in the bus stop… I’ve decided he’s dressed as a bumble bee.

Gotta love Halloween.

7. My mom and one of my oldest friends each called and sang me Happy Birthday on the phone. You know people really love you when they’ll sing the whole song to you on the phone every year.

8. At school yesterday, a bunch of people were dressed up. Mostly 1Ls and I think it was for a class, but nevertheless I pretended it was in celebration of my birthday (I pretty much assume all of Halloween is about my birthday…). Elmo:

9. And to round out today’s Thursday Thoughts – Another Molly photo. Of course.

Are you a fan of falafels? Have you ever had one?

What do you like to wear when you workout?

Have you ever been to a comedy club?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.