The band-leader brought bags of diapers and batteries, handing them out to a line of people in need of supplies. He has a friend who lives in Red Hook, and says “his house is under water. I’ve spent the day helping him, pulling out dry wall. It’s really bad there. Really bad.”
Hurricane Sandy gave the waterfront city of New York, as well as most the East Coast, a severe beating this last week, diverting national interest a bit from our rapt attention on the presidential election — though both candidates commented on the events in a manner to make themselves look good. Questions about the propriety of FEMA came up, and charities have been asking for contributions to help restabilize the ravished areas.
The 158-year old Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church isn’t the only place to volunteer at; all sorts of businesses are offering free services, such as the wine shop Botta di Vino which gives free internet and cell phone charging, and Acupuncturists Without Borders which offers free pin-sticking.