A 37-year-old woman from Sweden is facing two years in prison after being accused of necrophilia. She was charged on Tuesday at the Gothenburg District Court for the crime of ‘violating the peace of the dead.’
Back in September, police officers were told of a gunshot that was fired from the woman’s apartment. When they responded to the scene, they discovered 100 skeleton parts in the woman’s apartment. During the search of the woman’s home, officers found a CD that was named ‘My Necrophilia.’ Officers also found photographs that depict a woman being intimate with skeleton parts. One photo shows a woman licking a skull.
The woman has denied the charges against her, saying that she was collecting the bones out of historical interest.
“In the confidential section of the investigation we have material which indicates she used them in sexual situations,” the prosecutor, Kristina Ehrenborg-Staffas, said in an interview with the TT news agency.
“Some of the photos show a woman licking a skull,” Ehrenborg-Staffas said in an interview with The Local, a newspaper in Sweden. “She has a lot of photos of morgues and chapels, and documents about how to have sex with recently deceased and otherwise dead people.”
The prosecutor also said that the woman was selling the skeleton parts on the internet. Other pictures found in the woman’s apartment depicted a morgue. Those pictures were discovered with a drill and body bags that were found in a concealed compartment.