Categories: Law Life

Thursday Thoughts

Good morning all! Well, one final down and two more to go! I have one at 1:15 this afternoon and then another at 6pm tomorrow night! How are you spending your Friday night? Haha, oh well! It’s almost time to go home! And now, on to this week’s Thursday Thoughts:

1. Last week my friend shared this video on facebook, it’s a instagram parody. It gets funnier and funnier. PS You can follow me on instagram!

2. Last Thursday morning I opened up my reader and almost fell out of my chair: FORTY. WHAT?!?!?!? I had already read several that morning and it was only 10:15am! Needless to say, don’t be insulted if I stopped reading/commenting on your blog during finals… Too much.

3. It’s one of my new goals in life to become a Yelp Elite, which is apparently not an easy task in Chicago… So FRIEND ME on Yelp! I need some friends for more activity!

4. Does anyone else do this when they’re procrastinating? So true.

Where cleaning falls on my priority list.

During the semester:

During finals:

5. I saw this picture on Tina’s Instagram this weekend and died from the cuteness.

6. Another cutie? Molly and her Christmas ornament. Had to check to make sure it wasn’t a real dog.

7. The best post I read in reaction to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings was by Amanda. Her message? Send love, not sadness.

8. A few weeks ago I was riding the Brown Line (train in Chicago) and there was a man on the train shouting out loud about random things. Typical. This Monday I was on the brown line again and had just barely sat down when I heard the SAME MAN shouting again. I turned around and, yep, it was him! The chances…

9. If you’re still looking for a good gift for a friend or relative, check out pv.body! An entire workout outfit for under $40 with my 20% discount! You should also checkout their facebook page, they are having several giveaways for the 12 days of Christmas!

10. I will leave you with this:

Have a great Thursday!

Seen anything ridiculously cute lately? (other than my Molly photos…)

What are you thinking about this Thursday?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.