As law school students return to school after the holiday break, studying for the bar exam may be what third year or graduating students are looking into. Studying for the bar exam is like driving. When a person first takes off from the race track, the person may not be at high speed.
Some bar exam courses may help a law school student in studies even during law school. With the right study materials for law school and the bar exam, a student can move off of 3rd gear, and accelerate in 4th gear, with tools that stress practice and feedback. Soon a student will be scoring so high that others may have to catch up.
The bar exam resources that take someone to passing usually put a student in 5th gear with comprehensive study materials that are organized by subjects and issues, with few legal mistakes. Imagine memorizing the wrong law when a bar exam tutor trying to make the quick buck copies other people’s mistakes without knowing the difference between “appropriation” and “misappropriation.”
The following list of bar prep resources have been popular in helping law students drive ahead, that people have to look at them from behind. These resources are provided for convenience and do not constitute any endorsement:
Adachi Bar Review: Founded by Jeff Adachi, the current Public Defender of San Francisco. Adachi is a trial attorney and is dedicated to attend his bar review course available during the weekends. He even helps students who have difficulty typing exams to type their papers for a former bar grader to give them feedback on their practice tests. Learn from an instructor who can illustrate legal concepts with practical experience. Adachi he is a skilled public speaker who graduated from UC Hastings College of the Law and UC Berkeley. He taught the essay section for BARBRI. He is the author of several bar exam survival materials published by Survival Series Publishing Company, including the MBE Survival Kit, Bar Exam Survival Kit, and Bar Cards (flashcards used by law students throughout the United States).
Emerson’s Bar Review: Founded by Emerson Stafford who invites students to his home for 1-on-1 tutoring. Stafford has generously made many of his videos and study materials free of charge on his website. He focuses on repeat takers of the CA exam. His program may be completed anywhere, and includes video lectures on tested subjects, graded homework, and access to model answers on prior exams. LLC: Tool for essay portion of CA exam. The founder built a database of 1000+ high and low scoring answers from failed bar applicants to encourage students to “Pass by example.” Unlike many other bar exam resources, which charge thousands of dollars, access to is available for less than $100, and for another $50, a subscriber gets access to Model Answers written by a former bar grader. The Model Answers offer well-researched rules that are shortened to the elements, and insight into often tested issues spotted in fact patterns.