Happy New Year!!!! Who’s excited for 2013?! I hope you all had a nice New Years Eve celebration last night, or at least a good, relaxing night at home!
I thought today would be a good time to look back over my favorite moments from 2012, before going ahead with goals for 2013 later this week.
1. Running the Chicago Marathon!
2. Running my first Half Marathon!
3. Had my One-Year Blogging Anniversary!
4. Two of my best friends from college got married! (not to each other…)
6. Went to the Healthy Living Summit!
7. Molly turned ONE!
8. I became a PV.Body ambassador
9. I made some awesome friends in Chicago.
10. I turned 25! Haha, birthdays are the best.
What’s something great that happened to you in 2012?