Categories: Law Life

Sharing is Caring

Happy Friday!

I hope you all have a great weekend lined up! I have a few things, like a date night with this lady, and hopefully seeing a few other friends. Definitely some school work, and hopefully some cleaning too…

Today I am in a sharing mood, so I’ve put together a few fun things to share with all of you.

Recipes that I want to try:

Sweet Potatoes with Miso Sauce

Sweet Potatoes with Miso Sauce

Vegan Polenta Pie

Vegan Polenta pie

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Granola Bars

Homemade Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Granola Bars: crunchy outside and chewy inside via @NutButterRunner

Sugar Free Gluten Free Lemon Bars

Sugar Free, Gluten Free Lemon Bars -Maria's Nutritious and Delicious Journal

Great Pinterest Images:


And most importantly…

Great Posts that I’ve Read Recently:

Tina wrote a great post about how we’d never use humiliation to motivate others to workout, but how we might be doing it to ourselves.

I’ve read a couple thought provoking posts by Amanda this week and last, one about blogger responsibility and another about when to say something to a blogger or keep your lips zipped. Although I can’t say I agree 100% with all points, I love the discussions her posts opened up!

Meg wrote a great post about how she (and many of us) don’t “just eat” (i.e. intuitive eating) and have always followed some sort of plan, eating what we think we should eat.


Also, I’ve mentioned this before but I’m still loving The Skimm – it’s an e-mail you get every morning with a summary of important news, written in a way that even I’m entertained, which is pretty tough!

Anything you want to share?

What’s the best blog post you read this week?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.