Categories: Law Life

Thursday Thoughts


Everyone excited that the weekend is almost here? For me it practically is the weekend since I just have once class tonight, but my hope is this week instead of just hanging around and doing very little work Thursday/Friday then trying to get all my work done Saturday/Sunday I’ll do the opposite… Just gotta kick my butt into gear today. Hopefully… Haha. Anyway, while I contemplate being super productive, you all can enjoy this week’s Thursday Thoughts!

1. Molly wanted to show you all her new shark toy:

photo (1)

2. I ordered my bridesmaid dress for my college BFF/sorority sister’s wedding in June and it made it all so real, she’s getting MARRIED! So excited!


3. I haven’t read the book club books for either Julie’s book club or my Chicago Blogger book club… #epicfail. Why? I just don’t want to buy more books when I have so many already that I haven’t read yet! (and my library takes months to get a book if it’s not there right now).

4. I finally went running outside in the cold (okay, it was technically above freezing) and despite the crazy cold wind, I was so glad I got off that treadmill and went outdoors! I forgot how much more quickly a run goes by when you’re outside!

photo 1 (2)

5. Kelsey got a closet consultation on Sunday from Erin (Loop Looks) and a few of us went over to “watch” (aka an excuse to all hang out and look at Kelsey’s wardrobe). Well all that work clothing talk got me inspired to wear something other than jeans or sweatpants to my classes Monday! (if you follow me on instagram you already know this…).

6. Note to self: when taking pictures of yourself in the school bathroom, turn OFF your camera “click” sound…

7. One of my new favorite breakfasts is polenta & eggs. “Recipe” coming soon…

8. Emily wrote a great post on Tuesday about how the healthy living blogger world can sometimes distort our image of what we should be like and how it’s important to just be our version of healthy!

9. I’m a board member on my school’s Environmental Law Society and we held a bake sale yesterday to help raise money for our summer fellowship. I made some funfetti cupcakes (not gluten free…) and then attempted some Gluten Free Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. Sounds good, right? The batter tasted great… but it was runny and I didn’t realize just how runny… #epicfail

Needless to say, the gluten free ones did not make it to the bake sale…

What was your most recent kitchen fail?

Are you a polenta fan?

Ever try to take a secret photo but forget the “click” sound was on?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.