Categories: Law Life

March Goals

It’s MARCH!!! Can you believe it?! I can! I’m so excited for this month, I’ve got lots of fun things coming up. Obviously, we have book club this weekend which is one of my favorite things ever. I’m also running a trail 5K, going home for a few days, then off to Colorado for the rest of of my spring break, and once the month is over I am officially 1.5 months from graduating law school!!!!

Seeing as it’s the beginning of a new month, it’s time to go over February’s goals and then tell you all my goals for March. Just a reminder, these aren’t hard-set hit or miss goals. Just things that I hope to think about and work on, along with many other parts of my life. I just think it’s helpful to write things down every once and a while, and re-evaluate things that I’m doing (or not doing).

First, here’s a look at how I did with February’s Goals:

1. Follow May Cause Miracles every day. Um yea… if you read my “Not Perfect” post closely, you’d know I fell off the bandwagon on Day 16. I really found the book helpful during week 1 but for some reason couldn’t get week 2 to connect. I still really think this book will be beneficial for me so I hope to get back into it.

2. Get back into strength training. DONE! I’ve been doing 2-3 Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVDs a week, plus going to my gym’s version of body pump 1-2 times per week. I’m really loving the class because it forces me to push myself so much harder than I would on my own and the Jillian videos are great because they really get my heart rate up and only take about 25 minutes!

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3. Look into freelance writing. Done as well! Not as much as I’d hoped, but especially this past week I got into sending my work to a few different places. I’m still trying to find a health or food oriented local publication to Chicago to try and submit to, but I haven’t yet. Any ideas?

I’m glad my goals for February weren’t too lofty and I was able to keep up with them for the most part. Since I’ll be spending about 10 days away from Chicago in March due to spring break (my last one EVER!) I plan on making this months goals laid back as well, and something that won’t be affected by traveling.

March Goals:

1. Get an article published. Haha, okay, so this is a bit of a lofty goal, but it is something I can do from wherever I am. I really need to give this a real try, whether it’s on a website or in print, I need to try and get SOMETHING published! Freelance writing, here I come!

2. Read 2 books for fun. Reading for pleasure fell to the wayside during February. I was busy and the thought of adding more onto my plate was just too much. I do love reading though and think a month off has me ready to charge back into it. I also want to read before bed rather than being on my computer since I know it helps me fall asleep much faster.

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3. Make 2 recipes from my pinterest board. I Pin recipes all the time, but I NEVER actually make them. Seriously, NEVER! I’m such a creature of habit, but there are so many great looking recipes I feel like I should leave my kitchen comfort zone and try something new! Which ones to choose is the real problem…

Do you often make recipes that you find?

What are you reading right now?

How do you incorporate strength training into your workout routine?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.