Happy Thursday! I hope you all are having a great week so far! Mine’s going pretty well, nothing too exciting to report. Although this morning I’m getting breakfast with Cate, so I’m excited to get to see her! And yesterday I took Molly to the park to play in the snow! It was cold, but she absolutely loved it (she literally leaps around in the snow) so it was definitely worth it.
Now, onto today’s Thursday Thoughts!
1. Registration for Tina’s Best Body Bootcamp is OPEN! I’ve done two rounds before, you can read my recaps here and here of the whole experience. I HIGHLY recommend giving it a try! I haven’t decided if I’ll sign up yet or not, but I’m thinking I might…
2. Ericka wrote a great post this week about things that moms shouldn’t say around their daughters to help prevent eating disorders. I actually felt like a lot of what she said applied to anyone – we shouldn’t be saying a lot of those things around friends, family or ourselves! Please check it out!
3. We’ve finally gotten some real snow in Chicago and I am LOVING IT! I’m one of those crazy people who thinks snow makes everything feel magical. Yep. Love it.
4. After clicking on a link Erin shared on facebook, I poked around a bit and found this post. It’s great for blog readers (or really anyone with facebook) to read, and remember that what you see online is the “highlight reel” of everyone’s life.
5. Mom Runs Half nominated me for a Liebster Award! Since I’ve done a few of these, I’m just going to use the rest of Thursday Thoughts to answer her questions to me (and the other bloggers she chose).
1. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Strawberry. It’s like when people say blondes or brunettes – what about the red head?!?
2. What is your favorite blog to read?
Oooo that’s a very hard question. Hmmm. I’d say the two blogs I miss the most or look forward to the most are Enjoy Your Healthy Life and Lindsay’s List, but I read and LOVE a lot of blogs. Like a lot. And I would say my friends’ blogs, but I tend to catch up with them outside the blog world.
3. What is your favorite season, winter, spring, summer, or fall and why?
Summer. I do love the Fall and that crisp feeling, but let’s be honest, summer = great weather and fun outdoor activities. Can’t beat that.
4. What is your favorite blog post that you wrote?
Haha another hard one. I’ve written a few recently that I really liked, and you all seemed to as well. One of my favorites would have to be You’re Good Enough NOW. Another would have to be the post that I wrote before running the Chicago Marathon – makes me want to run another!!
5. What is your favorite color and why?
I used to say blue… but now I think I’d pick pink. I know, right? I never thought I was a “pink” kind of girl, but the color just makes me happy!
6. How did you pick your blog name?
My friend actually came up with it for me. We were brainstorming names and finally came up with this one and I went with it! Haha no idea what I’d choose now, it’s hard to pick a name!
7. What is your favorite drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic)
Shirley Temple. If you want to make it an “adult” Shirley Temple (aka Dirty Shirley), then I wouldn’t be upset.
8. How long have you been blogging?
I started blogging on August 5th (I think?) of 2011, so about 1.5 years.
9. Which do you like better Twitter or Facebook, why?
Facebook because so many more people use facebook. Plus you can’t “stalk” people through Twitter very well.
10. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging only a few months after finding the “healthy living blog world.” I’d been going through a rough year of over-exercising and under-eating and I came across Carrots N Cake, which led me to her book (which I loved) and other blogs. I decided to start writing my own blog because I loved the community: how supportive everyone could be, the exchange of ideas, and the feeling that you belonged to something. I started a blog because I wanted to be a person that others could identify with, and make them feel less alone in their struggles and life.
11. Favorite meal
The meal my mom used to make on St. Patrick’s day: corned beef with cabbage, potatoes and carrots. So freaking good, haven’t had it in a loooong time. More recently, the Whole Foods hot bar
Your turn! Answer some of these questions!